Membership Criteria
Criteria and process for membership
Candidate must be out of residency or fellowship (or equivalent training level) for a minimum of 5 years to become a member. (The membership process may begin before that as detailed below.)
Candidate must have an expressed interest in the patellofemoral joint as demonstrated through a variety of ways, which could include teaching, publications, research, etc.
First time guests at IPSG annual meetings may attend as invited guests. Guests may be invited by members of IPSG and should have special interest and experience in evaluation and treatment of patellofemoral disorders and will be expected to submit an abstract for the meeting. Guests and candidate members must attend the entire meeting to have their attendance count toward meeting membership criteria. Members who have invited guests must attend the meeting as well. For those who may be interested in attending a meeting but who do not have any connection with current members, please directly contact Dr. Dan Green for alternative details.mailto:greendw@hss.edu
Potential guests who approach IPSG members, who IPSG members identify or who contact us directly through the website shall be referred to membership committee. The membership committee will review the proposed guest’s CV and required abstract and make a decision regarding whether the individual will be invited.
If after attending their first IPSG annual meeting individuals have interest in joining IPSG, they must obtain two IPSG sponsors (one from their home country if there is a member from that country) to support their potential membership and submit their desire to become a candidate member to Membership Chair Dr Dan Green mailto:greendw@hss.edu Names of IPSG group members are on this website for reference as regards sponsor selection. If the applicant meets criteria for potential membership they will be invited to the next meeting as a candidate member. A decision will be made during the business meeting regarding their membership application. Prior to membership it is required that they do a presentation of their work at a meeting. There must be no more than a total of three meetings from initial guest visit until completion of candidate member status for individuals who meet membership criteria.
They will pay guest membership fees for both meetings, after which they will be expected to begin to pay annual dues.
Under circumstances where individuals have not met the 5 year post-fellowship requirement for membership regarding time since training, appeal may be made for a waiver to allow for continued guest attendance at IPSG annual meetings prior to actual candidate member status.
Criteria for continued membership
Members may not miss two meetings in a row. There will be an appeal process for rare circumstances beyond the control of members, but the purpose of this to encourage consistent engagement with IPSG.
Maintain high standards of ethics in all areas of patient care, research and professional interaction.
Presentation at the IPSG meeting at least once every 4 years.
Continued participation in research or extramural teaching in the area of the PF joint.
Payment of annual dues, two years of unpaid dues may result in loss of membership.
Emeritus status: This allows fully retired members to belong to the group without paying dues but they must still fulfill other requirements for membership such as attendance and presentation criteria.